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Veteran  Vittles


The Plate-O-Pair™ Cookbooks  Series is back for your recipes’ pleasure with Volume IV – Veteran Vittles.

THIS volume contains recipes from veterans in all service branches of the U.S. Military.  Net sales will be distributed to military charities and foundations.

How To Order

Send a check or 

send payment via Zelle to 708-558-3267 (Zelle must be available through your bank)

   Mail your check / money order payable to Rich Carey using the form below to:

                              Plate-O-Pair™                                                  Plate-O-Pair™

                              c/o Rich Carey                                                   c/o Glen Snow

                        11363 E. Milagro Avenue             OR                   8830 Highland Lake Dr.

                             Mesa, Arizona                                                  Georgetown, IN

                               85209-1452                                                            47122

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Please send me _____copies of Veteran Vittles at $22.00 per copy ($6.00 for shipping

and handling) per book.

Enclosed is my check / money order for $____________

Mail book(s) to:




Additional One-Time Offer:


The original set of Plate-O-Pair™ Cookbooks Volumes I, II, and III is available for $50.00 (a $18.00 savings!) per set.  $10.00 for shipping/handling.

Send me ________sets of all three volumes of the Plate-O-Pair™ Cookbooks